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Quarantine Hair: Getting Salon Styles At Home!

Quarantine Hair: Getting Salon Styles At Home!

The past 4 months have been a challenge for all of us – whether you were deemed essential and worked tireless hours, you were confined to your home with little outside contact, or worst case – you were sick. Now that everything is slowly opening up and returning to “normal,” we’re all trying to adjust to this new lifestyle. Salons were one of the many businesses that had to remain closed throughout the majority of the quarantine (depending on the state), and everyone was DIY-ing their haircuts and color. Thankfully, many salons are back open, but only at a limited capacity and no one really knows what will happen these next few months. That’s why this week we decided to focus on what you CAN do at home to get that fresh-from-the-salon feeling we’re sure you’ve been craving!


A big part of the salon experience (especially for women) is not just getting a haircut – it’s the ambiance, the chit-chat with your stylist, the relaxing smells, and the overall feeling of being pampered. It’s very difficult to replicate this on your own (even more if you have zero experience doing hair!) and there will never really be a replacement for the salon experience. HOWEVER, we at Paul Joseph Professional have a few products and tips that can help you gain back even a little bit of that spa-like feeling.


First and foremost, it’s all about picking the right shampoo/conditioner for your hair type. We depend on stylists to make this decision for us, but it’s really easy to ask yourself a couple questions that will narrow down the selection. 1. Is my hair color-treated? 2. Is my hair fine/thin? 3. Is my hair oily? It’s quite simple from here – if you have color-treated hair, you go for a color-protecting, sulfate free shampoo & conditioner (such as LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting Shampoo & Conditioner) to keep your color vibrant and your strands moisturized. If you have thin/fine hair that needs a boost, look for something with “volumizing” in the name, or anything “lightweight” so it doesn’t weigh your hair down (like our STACKED Volumizing Shampoo & Conditioner.) And if your hair is ultra-oily, you may need something stronger, like a clarifying shampoo (we have REAL CLEAR Clarifying Shampoo). And make sure to smell them first! Paul Joseph Professional uses scents like basil mandarin and coconut to create that escape-from-the-world spa-like feeling. Don’t underestimate how impactful the scent of your hair product can be!


The most challenging part to do at home is the blow-out – so challenging in fact that there are salons dedicated ONLY to blowing out your hair! While the technique can be difficult to get the hang of, it’s also about using the right products to get the results you want. There are many blow-out and blow-dry sprays on the market, and most will help to dry your hair faster and create a shiny finish (like UPGRADE Quick Blow-Dry Spray) which is the key to a nice finish. If your hair us especially unruly, we recommend combining the blow-dry spray with a leave-in treatment or conditioner which will re-moisturize dry hair and keep your waves and curls bouncy and flexible (such as INTENSITY Leave-In Treatment.) And finally, finish off your look with a moisturizing and nourishing serum or oil (like ENHANCE Shine Serum) to pull everything together and give you that professional touch. These products, combined with a wet-hair brush, a steady hand, and a good hair dryer, will have people asking you WHERE you go to get your hair done! Now is the time (since we have so much of it lately) to educate yourself on little things like this – because you never know what the future holds!


So stay safe out there, experiment with your hair styles and products, and take the time to pamper yourself. Because you can’t help others without helping yourself first! 😊


Hair & Photo by: Kim Bruno @kimmykimster

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Humidity + Hair: 3 Tips for Beating the Frizz!

Humidity + Hair: 3 Tips for Beating the Frizz!

Humidity can wreak havoc on your smooth, fresh locks mere seconds after you finish styling. Up here in the Northeast, it’s something we’re very familiar with - every summer we deal with suffocating levels of moisture in the air. That’s why we at Paul Joseph Professional focused so much on frizz prevention, and we’ve got some insider tips on how to keep that mane tamed in even the most humid climates! 

First and foremost, it’s important to understand WHY our hair frizzes in humidity. Of course we all know the chemical makeup of water is 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen - therefore on a particularly muggy day, there are high levels of hydrogen in the air. The chemical makeup of our hair is sensitive to these airborne hydrogen molecules and they quickly bond to the protein and water molecules already present in our hair. And the drier the hair, the more likely it is to absorb outside moisture (which is why those with brittle, chemically damaged, dry hair are more susceptible to frizz). When these bonds form they cause the hair strand to swell up - disrupting the smooth outer layer of the cuticle. This gives you a coarse, “fried” appearance, commonly known as frizz. 

Now that we got the science out of the way, here are some tips and tricks for shiny, sleek hair all year round!

1. MOISTURIZE! I know it seems counterproductive to ADD moisture when fighting the humidity - but as we already know, hydrogen bonds are more likely to form in dry hair. So that means if you get chemical treatments or use a lot of heat for styling, you need to make sure you’re replacing that moisture lost in the process.

For the ultimate re-hydrator for colored or chemically treated hair, we recommend LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting Shampoo & Conditioner.

2. PROTECT! Create a shield of defense against the elements with conditioning treatments. Products with high levels of nourishing extracts can create a protective shield around the hair strand, helping to prevent the disruptive hydrogen bonds which cause frizz.

For the best line of defense, we recommend INTENSITY Leave-In Treatment & UPGRADE Quick Blow-Dry Spray. Both which contain multiple extracts proven to help prevent frizz such as sunflower seed, lemon zest, and sugar cane.

3. REPLENISH! Depending on how humid the air is,  how long you are exposed to it, or the overall condition of your hair, moisturizing and protecting alone may not be enough. If this is the case, make sure to have a smoothing serum or oil on-hand to re-stabilize the moisture in your hair. A small amount run through your fly-aways and ends should be enough to keep you frizz free until your next hair wash. It’s important to not overdue this step though or you’ll end up with greasy, heavy hair.

To smooth and shine your locks, we recommend ENHANCE Shine Serum - a unique blend of carrot and Argan oils light enough to use throughout the day but strong enough to condition and moisturize even the most damaged/dry hair. 

Now you’re equipped with all the knowledge you need to enjoy a frizz-free summer, no matter where you live! So get out there and enjoy yourself! :) 

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Keeping Your Hair & Scalp Healthy!

Keeping Your Hair & Scalp Healthy!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (which doesn’t sound like such a bad idea actually…) you’re aware of the ongoing pandemic occurring globally right now. People are quarantined, wearing masks, and wiping out stores of hand sanitizer and (for some reason?) toilet paper. It’s a pretty scary situation that will hopefully resolve itself soon, but we thought this would be a good opportunity to discuss hair and scalp health. All parts of our bodies are exposed to bacteria, viruses, microorganisms, and free radicals – including your hair! An unhealthy scalp can cause a host of problems so keeping it clean and protected should definitely be on your checklist.


As with our hands, it’s important to keep our scalps sanitized and not just for aesthetic reasons. Our hair is dense and has a large surface area which can carry germs that will remain there for hours, or even worse, will spread to other parts of our bodies. Furthermore, bacteria and fungi left on the scalp can create a pretty nasty situation – one that could result in hair loss, hair breakage, or even a serious infection.


The problem is that many shampoos and hair products out there are not antibacterial, antiseptic, antimicrobial or antifungal, so generally hair washing isn’t going to help. However, at Paul Joseph Professional, we recognized the importance of sanitization and that’s why we’ve included several beneficial extracts in our products.


  • CITRUS EXTRACT: Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antioxidant & Antiseptic Properties Antiseptic Properties
  • GARLIC EXTRACT: Antimicrobial, Antifungal, Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant & Immune-Boosting Properties
  • SAGE EXTRACT: Antibiotic, Anti-Allergic, Anti-Inflammatory, Antioxidant & Antiseptic Properties
  • ECHINACEA EXTRACT: Anti-Inflammatory, Antiviral, Antioxidant & Immune-Boosting Properties
  • CARROT OIL EXTRACT: Antibacterial & Antifungal Properties
  • WHITE OAK BARK EXTRACT: Antiseptic, Antibacterial & Anti-Inflammatory Properties


While using these products won’t make you immune to whichever illness is circulating near you, they will certainly help to maintain a healthy scalp (which means healthy hair!) and can reduce the amount of germs/bacteria you’re carrying around with you. With the world the way it is right now – every little bit helps! Be sure to take the necessary precautions and keep yourself and your family healthy and happy! 😊


Hair & Photo By Kim Bruno @kimmykimster

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Keeping Your Hair Color Vibrant All Year Long!

Keeping Your Hair Color Vibrant All Year Long!

Spring is right around the corner (finally!) and that means many people are freshening up their color or adding sunny highlights for the new season. But it’s not cheap to get your hair colored – the popular balayage technique can run you hundreds of dollars depending on where you go. Most don’t realize how important it is to secure your investment by using color-protecting hair products. Your color lasts longer when you take care of it, resulting in less salon visits for touch ups, saving a lot of money in the long run! Here at Paul Joseph Professional we understand that, so we use cutting edge and natural ingredients in our specialized products to keep your color sparkling.


The first and most common line of defense is shampoo and conditioner. Our sulfate free LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting system uses a specialized UV absorber (with a long scientific name), to prevent color fade caused by UVA and UVB rays. Dyed hair can also become brittle, weak and dull so it’s important to stay hydrated. LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting Shampoo contains extracts such as garlic, sage, lemon and echinacea which help to add and retain moisture, increase shine, and even boost healthy hair growth. The keratin, protein, and vitamins contained in the LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting conditioner aid in repairing hair damaged by the coloring process, giving your hair a healthier, more vibrant appearance.


Next, the blow out process. By using a combination of INTENSITY Leave-In Treatment and UPGRADE Quick Blow-Dry Spray (or either one on their own) you can keep your hair hydrated and protected from color fade even on the sunniest of spring days. The sunflower seed extract in INTENSITY keeps the color sealed in, the strands hydrated and repaired, and protects against damage caused by UVA/UVB rays. UPGRADE adds to that protection with lemon zest extract which has antioxidant properties, shielding your hair against the elements. The sugar cane extract, also in UPGRADE, contributes to retaining moisture and conditioning each strand for a manageable texture.


And lastly, styling. In the past decade, it has been discovered that the “superfood” quinoa was found to help retain color when the extract is used in hair products. That’s why we included that, as well as kiwi, mango and aloe extracts in our ELEVATE Color-Protecting Hairspray. The flexible hold is never crunchy and won’t dull your beautiful (and expensive) color – in fact it will add shine (something hairsprays typically don’t do!) On top of looking nice, your scalp and strands will absorb nutrients rather than harmful build-up, improving the condition of your hair and color with every use.

So after your next expensive trip to the salon, think about the long-term effects of color-treating your hair and how to keep it as fresh as possible for as long as possible. Stylists have a fountain of knowledge when it comes to this, so don’t be afraid to ask which product is best for you and your hair type. And don’t forget to mention Paul Joseph Professional – our complete color-protecting system will change your life (and your wallet!)

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The Pro's of Protein

The Pro's of Protein

Proteins are great for a pre-workout boost of energy, but they’re also highly beneficial for your hair – and in some cases necessary! In fact, your hair naturally contains protein which maintains its structure and elasticity. But sometimes these native proteins can be stripped away (due to chemical treatments, heat damage, or just wear and tear) leaving you with brittle, dull, strands.


Thankfully, there are ways to replenish your hair of much needed protein to get your bouncy, shiny locks back. That’s where vegetable protein comes in (used in our LOCK IT IN Conditioner.) For decades, chemists have used different types of proteins in hair products, but we went with vegetable for a few different reasons. First and foremost, it is highly absorbable (more so than animal protein) which makes it super effective and long-lasting. Secondly, it is very similar in chemical structure to the protein that naturally occurs in our hair so it is able to lock it self in and rebuild the hair cortex, which is why it’s highly recommended color-treated hair.  And finally it is incredibly hydrating – and hydrated hair is healthy, flexible and less prone to breakage – it also gives you that shine we all strive for.


The main culprit for stripping your natural protein are actually heat treatments (straightening, curling, even blow-drying.) When the protein is stripped, it leaves your hair porous (little tiny holes) compromising the strength of the strand, leaving it susceptible to breakage, split ends, frizz, and a dull appearance. The vegetable protein in our product will fill in those holes and form a protective film around the strands. This film acts as a protectant against heat treatments, leaving your actual hair intact– without leaving harmful buildup. Not only that, it will protect your color from fading, drastically increasing the time between touch-ups. (And for a second line of defense against heat damage, try our Quick Blow-Dry Spray UPGRADE!)


As I already said, vegetable protein is very hydrating, but beyond that it works to balance your moisture levels. If there’s TOO much moisture, the cortex will swell, opening up the strand and creating a dull appearance. Too little, and the strand becomes brittle and prone to breakage or split ends. That is another reason why we put vegetable protein in our LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting Conditioner. Chemical treatments (especially bleach) can severely dehydrate your hair. Also, when used BEFORE a chemical service, it can help to reduce the damage.


So how do you know if your hair is lacking protein? There are a few different ways to tell. If you’re experiencing a lot of breakage, that is the most common sign. If your hair feels too light or even “mushy” when you get it wet, that could mean your hair is lacking structure and thickness caused by a protein deficiency. Even if you don’t have any of these symptoms, using products with protein periodically can help to maintain the structure and strength, proactively preventing damage. So for these reasons and more, there are many benefits to using products such as LOCK IT IN – save your money and save your hair, it’s worth it!


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Hair & Photo by Kayce Babinski @beautybybabinski

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Turning Lemons into Great Hair – The Many Benefits of Lemon Extract

Turning Lemons into Great Hair – The Many Benefits of Lemon Extract

It should be no surprise to you that lemons are an effective cleaning agent – from household cleaners, to dish soap, to homemade cleaning solutions – lemon extract is everywhere. But what you may not have known is that Ancient Egyptians actually used lemon juice (most likely mixed with clay or another diluting ingredient) to cleanse their thick hair of grease, dirt, natural oils, and sand (I mean have you ever tried to get the sand out of your hair after a day at the beach – not an easy task!) What they discovered is that the astringent and purifying properties of the lemon were super effective at breaking through all the muck for clean, fresh hair.

Which is exactly why we included lemon extract in both our LOCK IT IN and STACKED Shampoos. In addition to cleansing the hair and scalp of buildup (and even hard water limescale), it works to balance your pH levels. Your hair’s pH typically falls within 4.5 to 5.5, but if your hair products are too strong, they can cause your hair to frizz, develop split ends or become brittle. Lemons have a pH of 2, and when used in shampoo, it can balance the pH of your hair which will reduce frizz, split ends and breakage – it’ll even work to create shine! The acidic nature of the fruit will also tighten your hair follicles, preventing hair fall and promoting healthier growth.

Another key element of lemon are its antioxidant qualities. This will prevent damage caused by environmental stresses that are regularly put on your hair (eg. UV rays, smoke, pollution, etc.) These factors can lead to premature ageing and greying, and the lemon extract will slow this process. In addition, the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of the extract help to fight off scalp conditions that can cause dandruff.

We love lemon extract for these reasons and more, and on top of including it in our top two shampoos, we also added it to our UPGRADE Quick Blow-Dry Spray. Because the extract has those clarifying properties, it can actually regulate the production of natural oils on your scalp. When you’re at a healthy level, your hair will be bouncier, lighter, and yes – even dry quicker. The vitamin C in the lemon boosts the production of collagen as well, which repairs your porous strands (caused by heat or chemical damage), creating a shiny surface and less frizz. So the next time life hands you lemons – don’t make lemonade. Turn those lemons into great hair!


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Hair & Photo by Kayce Babinski @beautybybabinski

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Sweet, Sour & Shine: Creating Healthy Hair with Sugarcane & Lemon Zest Extracts

Sweet, Sour & Shine: Creating Healthy Hair with Sugarcane & Lemon Zest Extracts

What’s better than a crisp, cold lemonade on a summer day? Well you might be surprised to learn that the ingredients of this thirst quencher are good for more than a refreshing beverage! The benefits of sugarcane and lemon extracts for your hair are impressive enough on their own – but together they combine to create shine so bright that even the sun will be envious.


So how does it work? For starters, both are rich in vitamins and minerals which are then absorbed into the scalp and follicles, nourishing from within. Just like we feed the rest of our body with nutrients, the hair relies on a healthy foundation to promote hair growth, repair damage from heat/chemical treatments, and rebuild the strands inside and out. Healthy hair is also much better at preventing further damage, saving you time and money in the long run. It’s certainly an "UPGRADE!” (more on that later…)


Now that we know you need to “feed” your hair, it makes sense that (like every living being on this planet) it needs moisture to thrive. This is where sugarcane extract comes in. With a high moisture content, the use of this ingredient will rehydrate and condition your scalp and hair, leading to lustrous results without weighing down your strands like chemical-based conditioners can. In fact, by drawing moisture into each strand, you’ll end up with the appearance of fuller, shinier, bouncier hair.


While sugarcane is pretty awesome, lemon extract is equally remarkable. We all know vitamin C is an important part of any diet (and in fighting off these winter colds), but it can also reduce hair loss by strengthening and tightening your follicles. The extract also contains anti-fungal properties which help to curb dandruff – because who is going to notice your pretty hair when you have snowflakes on your shoulders?


It’s for all of the above reasons and more that we used these two natural and extraordinary ingredients in our UPGRADE Quick-Blow Dry Spray. The final product is a fresh-scented, lightweight spray designed to tame frizz, create a glossy finish, and condition dry or damaged hair. You can now achieve a salon-quality blow out in the comfort of your own home – and in 30% less time! So not only have you saved money by skipping a visit to your stylist, you now have time to enjoy life – perhaps to whip up a nice glass of lemonade on a sunny day…


Hair by: Kim Bruno @kimmykimster 
Photo by: Kim Bruno @kimmykimster 

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