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Quarantine Hair: Getting Salon Styles At Home!

Quarantine Hair: Getting Salon Styles At Home!

The past 4 months have been a challenge for all of us – whether you were deemed essential and worked tireless hours, you were confined to your home with little outside contact, or worst case – you were sick. Now that everything is slowly opening up and returning to “normal,” we’re all trying to adjust to this new lifestyle. Salons were one of the many businesses that had to remain closed throughout the majority of the quarantine (depending on the state), and everyone was DIY-ing their haircuts and color. Thankfully, many salons are back open, but only at a limited capacity and no one really knows what will happen these next few months. That’s why this week we decided to focus on what you CAN do at home to get that fresh-from-the-salon feeling we’re sure you’ve been craving!


A big part of the salon experience (especially for women) is not just getting a haircut – it’s the ambiance, the chit-chat with your stylist, the relaxing smells, and the overall feeling of being pampered. It’s very difficult to replicate this on your own (even more if you have zero experience doing hair!) and there will never really be a replacement for the salon experience. HOWEVER, we at Paul Joseph Professional have a few products and tips that can help you gain back even a little bit of that spa-like feeling.


First and foremost, it’s all about picking the right shampoo/conditioner for your hair type. We depend on stylists to make this decision for us, but it’s really easy to ask yourself a couple questions that will narrow down the selection. 1. Is my hair color-treated? 2. Is my hair fine/thin? 3. Is my hair oily? It’s quite simple from here – if you have color-treated hair, you go for a color-protecting, sulfate free shampoo & conditioner (such as LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting Shampoo & Conditioner) to keep your color vibrant and your strands moisturized. If you have thin/fine hair that needs a boost, look for something with “volumizing” in the name, or anything “lightweight” so it doesn’t weigh your hair down (like our STACKED Volumizing Shampoo & Conditioner.) And if your hair is ultra-oily, you may need something stronger, like a clarifying shampoo (we have REAL CLEAR Clarifying Shampoo). And make sure to smell them first! Paul Joseph Professional uses scents like basil mandarin and coconut to create that escape-from-the-world spa-like feeling. Don’t underestimate how impactful the scent of your hair product can be!


The most challenging part to do at home is the blow-out – so challenging in fact that there are salons dedicated ONLY to blowing out your hair! While the technique can be difficult to get the hang of, it’s also about using the right products to get the results you want. There are many blow-out and blow-dry sprays on the market, and most will help to dry your hair faster and create a shiny finish (like UPGRADE Quick Blow-Dry Spray) which is the key to a nice finish. If your hair us especially unruly, we recommend combining the blow-dry spray with a leave-in treatment or conditioner which will re-moisturize dry hair and keep your waves and curls bouncy and flexible (such as INTENSITY Leave-In Treatment.) And finally, finish off your look with a moisturizing and nourishing serum or oil (like ENHANCE Shine Serum) to pull everything together and give you that professional touch. These products, combined with a wet-hair brush, a steady hand, and a good hair dryer, will have people asking you WHERE you go to get your hair done! Now is the time (since we have so much of it lately) to educate yourself on little things like this – because you never know what the future holds!


So stay safe out there, experiment with your hair styles and products, and take the time to pamper yourself. Because you can’t help others without helping yourself first! 😊


Hair & Photo by: Kim Bruno @kimmykimster

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Crystal Clear: The Importance of Clarifying Shampoo

Crystal Clear: The Importance of Clarifying Shampoo

Unless you’re a hair stylist (or just interested in all things hair related), you probably don’t know what a clarifying shampoo is or what it’s for. Well now is the time to get educated – because most people are missing out on an important part of their hair routine.


The main purpose of a clarifying shampoo should be “real clear” (pun intended.. check out our own REAL CLEAR Clarifying Shampoo 😊). It’s used to clarify (clear up) your scalp and hair of product buildup and natural oils. Why is this so important? Clogged hair follicles prevent healthy hair growth, and environmental stresses on the hair strands can lead to breakage or worse – hair loss. All of the fancy oils, creams, gels, serums, and styling sprays you may use will stay put if not washed away, and if left untreated will create excess greasiness and dandruff – neither of which are very pretty!


The reason clarifying shampoos are so good at removing buildup is because they’re generally stronger than your daily use shampoo. That’s because they contain surfactants (typically found in detergents for deep cleaning) that work by attracting water and dirt/oil molecules, allowing the buildup to lift off of the hair strand and rinse out with the water. Without this ingredient, the dirt and oils will stay in place, only removing some of the surface buildup. Think of it as that deep cleaning you do on your carpeting before you have company over – the rest of the time you just vacuum, getting the surface debris up. But that deep steam clean penetrates down to the bottom, lifting up all of the tracked-in dirt, sand, and stains.


So how do you know when you need to clarify? It’s not something you’ll need to do every day – and can even cause more harm than good if done too frequently. First, start with your hair type. If you have thin, flat hair, a weekly dose of clarifying shampoo can boost your roots and prevent oiliness. It’ll also add a nice, natural shine. If you have color-treated hair, only clarify before a color treatment. This will give you a nice “blank slate” for the color to penetrate, giving you longer-lasting vibrancy. If you have regular to thick hair, a clarifying shampoo is good as needed or once a month, just to clear away the accumulation of product used over time.


REAL CLEAR Clarifying Shampoo does all of the above – but we went an extra step and added in what’s called “LustreX” or Polyquat-7. This is a positively charged polymer that binds to the negatively charged parts of the hair proteins, smoothing out the strands and helping the hair to lay flat. In addition, it counteracts the drying effect of the surfactant by moisturizing, removing tangles, and eliminating static-electricity. Overall you’re left with squeaky clean, shiny, manageable, voluminous hair. Oh, and since this isn’t a daily shampoo, our 13.5oz bottle will last you for FOREVER! 😊

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Turning Lemons into Great Hair – The Many Benefits of Lemon Extract

Turning Lemons into Great Hair – The Many Benefits of Lemon Extract

It should be no surprise to you that lemons are an effective cleaning agent – from household cleaners, to dish soap, to homemade cleaning solutions – lemon extract is everywhere. But what you may not have known is that Ancient Egyptians actually used lemon juice (most likely mixed with clay or another diluting ingredient) to cleanse their thick hair of grease, dirt, natural oils, and sand (I mean have you ever tried to get the sand out of your hair after a day at the beach – not an easy task!) What they discovered is that the astringent and purifying properties of the lemon were super effective at breaking through all the muck for clean, fresh hair.

Which is exactly why we included lemon extract in both our LOCK IT IN and STACKED Shampoos. In addition to cleansing the hair and scalp of buildup (and even hard water limescale), it works to balance your pH levels. Your hair’s pH typically falls within 4.5 to 5.5, but if your hair products are too strong, they can cause your hair to frizz, develop split ends or become brittle. Lemons have a pH of 2, and when used in shampoo, it can balance the pH of your hair which will reduce frizz, split ends and breakage – it’ll even work to create shine! The acidic nature of the fruit will also tighten your hair follicles, preventing hair fall and promoting healthier growth.

Another key element of lemon are its antioxidant qualities. This will prevent damage caused by environmental stresses that are regularly put on your hair (eg. UV rays, smoke, pollution, etc.) These factors can lead to premature ageing and greying, and the lemon extract will slow this process. In addition, the anti-fungal and antibacterial properties of the extract help to fight off scalp conditions that can cause dandruff.

We love lemon extract for these reasons and more, and on top of including it in our top two shampoos, we also added it to our UPGRADE Quick Blow-Dry Spray. Because the extract has those clarifying properties, it can actually regulate the production of natural oils on your scalp. When you’re at a healthy level, your hair will be bouncier, lighter, and yes – even dry quicker. The vitamin C in the lemon boosts the production of collagen as well, which repairs your porous strands (caused by heat or chemical damage), creating a shiny surface and less frizz. So the next time life hands you lemons – don’t make lemonade. Turn those lemons into great hair!


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Hair & Photo by Kayce Babinski @beautybybabinski

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When it Comes to Your Hair - We've Got Some Sage Advice

When it Comes to Your Hair - We've Got Some Sage Advice

Sage is one of those herbs everyone knows about – either to put in food, as a fragrance, or even to rid your space of bad juju. As with most herbs, sage has been used for centuries by many different cultures for their medicinal properties, and even to combat hair loss. (In fact, sage’s scientific name is derived the Latin word “salvere” which translates to “to be saved.”) That’s why it’s no surprise that the extract from this ancient plant is a popular additive in beauty products, and why we’ve chosen it for two of our shampoos.


Sage, a member of the mint family with close relatives such as oregano, rosemary, lavender, basil and thyme, is native to the Mediterranean and South-Eastern Europe. Its earliest uses date back to ancient Roman times, who were the first to use the herb for cosmetic purposes.


So what’s in sage that benefits your hair health? Like many of the other natural extracts used in Paul Joseph Professional products, it’s packed with nutrients vital to a healthy scalp and hair, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin C (both which also act as an antioxidant – more on that later), B-Vitamins, Vitamin E, and minerals (namely potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc, iron and copper.) These nutrients work together to nourish the scalp and follicles, resulting in healthier and stronger hair. It is also thought that the compounds within the sage plant can actually darken grays, reducing the need for color touch-ups.


Hair loss can be caused by a number of different factors, such as hormones, stress, or genetics. One of the causes for alopecia is thought to be the result of an immune disorder which attacks hair follicles and damages them, reducing the blood flow to the scalp. With or without this disorder, the sage extract will actually work to promote blood flow to the scalp, therefore creating the building blocks for healthy follicles. The antioxidant properties also reduce the buildup of oils and environmental toxins that can clog the follicles, clarifying the hair for new growth.


While you may have used sage in the past to cleanse your home of bad energy, now you can use it to cleanse your hair of toxins. We used the extract in both our LOCK IT IN and STACKED shampoos for its ability to create stronger, healthier hair, and to reduce color fade. So take our “sage” advice, use it, and pass it along! :)


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Hair & Photo by Kayce Babinski @beautybybabinski

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White Oak Bark: Branching Out across the Beauty Industry

White Oak Bark: Branching Out across the Beauty Industry

If you’re from our neck of the woods (pun intended) in the Northeast of the US, you’re likely very familiar with the gigantic white oak tree. What you may not be familiar with is the variety of uses extracted from the gray-ish white, bumpy bark. Native Americans knew all about the magical healing properties derived from these large trees and soon after, the first settlers were using it too – as an antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and even as a diuretic. Now the aforementioned uses are usually associated with an illness or wound, but you don’t have to be injured to reap the benefits for your hair.


There are many nutrients contained within the white oak bark (or quercus alba bark) extract, such as B12, iron and potassium. But the most standout component is its high tannin content (somewhere between 15-20%). Tannins, a class of astringent (drying, constricting agent), are found in a variety of things you may already consume, namely wine and tea. You also may have heard of “Tannin Smoothing”, a hair treatment used as an alternative to other chemical smoothers, which is designed to reduce frizz and increase softness. In our products, the astringent and anti-inflammatory properties of the tannins work to regulate the amount of oil in your hair/on your scalp which in turn reduces dandruff, prevents hair loss, and strengthens the hair follicle. Not only that, but your hair will stay fresher for longer – no more greasy second day hair!


While tannins might be the star of the extract, there are other elements which solve a variety of common hair issues. Flavonoids, a common plant chemical, work to protect the plant itself from harmful free-radicals (pollution, smoke, harmful UV rays, etc.) and they do the same for your hair! Quercetin, one of these flavonoids, works to strengthen the blood vessels and increase blood circulation to the scalp. This in combination with the vitamin B12 promotes healthier, faster growing hair.


So where can you find this wondrous and woody extract? We’ve included white oak bark extract in both our LOCK IT IN and STACKED Shampoos. LOCK IT IN is for color-protection, so the tannins work to smooth damaged hair and the flavonoids block against UV damage – one of the main causes of color fade. STACKED is a volumizing shampoo, so the flavonoids, vitamins, and minerals work to promote new, healthy hair growth and prevent breakage, while the tannins rid you of the oily build-up that’s preventing the lift and bounce you’re going for.  So when you’re searching for a new shampoo, take a step back towards nature and the countless benefits of the historic white oak tree!


Hair & Photo by @hairbytaypoletti

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We cLove the Benefits of Garlic Extract!

We cLove the Benefits of Garlic Extract!

You may be thinking “how and why would I ever put smelly garlic in my hair?” It may be the best topping for bread and a tasty addition to nearly any recipe, but this pungent plant is not usually associated with hair care. However, it has been used for many years as a home remedy for cold symptoms, fighting off infections, and more recently, for longer, thicker, stronger hair. So what is it about garlic that has attracted the attention of the hair industry?


Garlic, found in our LOCK IT IN STACKED Shampoos, is loaded with hair-improving vitamins, minerals, and elements such as sulfur, selenium, copper, and calcium. Vitamins C, B2, and B1 work to increase circulation in your scalp which promotes healthy hair growth, therefore helping to prevent hair loss. Sulfur is especially important for stronger hair growth since it acts as a building block for keratin, the nutrient which makes your hair and nails grow. Additionally, selenium loads up your hair with Vitamin E which effectively prevents breakage , keeping more of your hair where it should be – on your head!  Copper is another prominent element found in garlic and it can actually prevent the growth of defective, unhealthy hair, improving the overall health of your strands. And we can’t forget about calcium, which helps to improve the structural component of your hair.


 As if all that isn’t enough, in 2007 scientists performed a double blind study on people suffering from alopecia (a condition that causes hair loss). One group received a betamethasone cream, typically used to treat swelling, itching, and skin irritation, and one group was given a gel containing betamethasone and 5% garlic. The group using the garlic gel saw an average of 1.5cm2 reduction in areas that were balding, as opposed to the other group which only saw a 0.4cm2 reduction. Although there still needs to be more research done on garlic for treating baldness, it’s been found that the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of the plant have proven to be beneficial.


And that’s not all the antimicrobial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties of the extract are good for. They also work to reduce buildup on the scalp, prevent dandruff, and fight off bacteria that can lead to unhealthy hair.


So while you won’t smell that familiar garlic-y odor in our shampoos, that’s the only thing missing from our LOCK IT IN and STACKED Shampoos – which we think everyone is ok with. You won’t walk around smelling like an Italian restaurant, but your hair will show the results of this wondrous extract.


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Hair & Photo by Kayce Babinski @beautybybabinski

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We've Got the "Tea" on Echinacea & Chamomile Extracts for Your Hair

We've Got the

With flu season still in full effect, you’ve probably had to sip some tea to ease your pain – and it probably contained either echinacea or chamomile! Well, the extracts from these healing, herbal plants are also used in both our LOCK IT IN Color-Protecting and our STACKED Volumizing Shampoos. So why did we include these herbs in our products? Sit down, make a tea, and read on!


Echinacea, also known as the purple coneflower, has long been used as a natural remedy for its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and immune-boosting properties, dating back to the Native Americans over 400 years ago. Now, these aren’t really concerns people have when it comes to their hair, so why put it in shampoos? The herb’s antimicrobial properties actually work to prevent dandruff and scalp irritation, and its high concentration of vitamin C actually protects the collagen in your hair from breaking down. The extract also aids in increasing the blood circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair follicles and promoting growth.


Chamomile, another popular home-remedy herb, has been used for as many as 2000 years to treat anxiety and insomnia (hence its use in night-time teas.) But there’s much more to this sweet smelling plant. Like echinacea, it has anti-inflammatory properties that can sooth dry or irritated scalps and prevent dandruff. Furthermore, compounds contained in this plant have been known to treat oily hair, invigorate hair growth, strengthen hair roots, and hydrate dry/brittle hair. And for the blondes out there – chamomile has long been used to brighten up those sunny strands and boost shine.


The chemists for Paul Joseph Professional used these unlikely extracts for the above reasons and more. For our LOCK IT IN Shampoo for color-treated hair, they prevent hair breakage and re-hydrate chemically damaged locks, increase vibrancy (especially for blondes), and ensure healthy hair renewal. For our STACKED Volumizing Shampoo, they stimulate new hair growth, prevent breakage, strengthen hair follicles, and protect against scalp irritation or damage from UV rays, smoke and pollution. Who knew that such pretty flowered plants had such powers?


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Hair & Photo by Kayce Babinsky @beautybybabinsky
Model Kaitlyn Smith @kshakawaves 

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Beach in a Bottle: Brown Seaweed & Your Hair!

Beach in a Bottle: Brown Seaweed & Your Hair!

Sure, no one likes the feeling of seaweed tickling your foot at the bottom of the sea floor (although it could be worse!) but did you know that this slimy water weed can actually make your hair grow? And that’s not all – it can re-hydrate, restore, and revitalize even the most damaged hair. Not so creepy anymore, right? Well let’s dive in!


Found on the coasts of the British Isles, Europe, the Baltic Sea, and Eastern North America, this vitamin-rich sea veggie is making waves in the beauty industry. Here at Paul Joseph Professional, we recognized the multiple benefits of brown seaweed extract and knew we had to incorporate it into our product line. But what is it most useful for? How could our clients get the most out of it? What effect does it have on your hair? Well through intensive research and the help of our trusted chemists, we have our answers!


First and foremost – brown seaweed (or for the scientists in the crowd, fucus vesiculous) is a common large algae, often referred to as “bladderwrack,” and is mostly found on the coasts of the British Isles. Despite the unappealing nickname, bladderwrack contains an impressive amount of vitamins (11), minerals (46) and amino acids (16) – all which work in different ways to nourish and improve the condition of your hair – and even promote growth! Here is a breakdown of some of the most prominent components and their functions:


  • Antioxidants:  Brown seaweed extract contains high amounts of Vitamin A, a free-radical fighting antioxidant. This means your hair will be protected against the harmful effects of the sun, pollution and smoke (all which can cause your strands to break down and appear dull.) It’s also used in many anti-aging skin serums for the same reason.
  • Amino Acids:  Amino Acids are “the building blocks” of protein, and the protein keratin makes up about 88% of your hair.  The outer “shell” (cuticle) of the hair fiber is made up of amino acids, so introducing additional particles helps to re-build and restore damaged strands. The end result is stronger and healthier hair.
  • Minerals:  Iodine, potassium and phosphorus are the stand-out minerals contained in brown seaweed and they all work to promote hair health, growth, and hydration.


You may have noticed that most of these benefits center around hair growth/health. That’s why it’s a perfect fit for our STACKED line – in particular STACKED CONDITIONER. We wanted a safe and natural solution to flat, lifeless hair and the evidence was overwhelmingly in favor of our beloved bladderwrack. So if your locks could use a boost, give our friendly sea plant a chance and try STACKED CONDITIONER today! (We recommend pairing with STACKED SHAMPOO and UPGRADE QUICK BLOW DRY SPRAY for silky, voluminous results :)

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